Annie Egan is a Creative Director based in Brooklyn, New York.

Annie welcomes you to her site. Yes, she wrote this. And no, she doesn’t always refer to herself in the third person. Thankfully.

A passionate, empathetic and down-to-earth leader, Annie genuinely cares about the work and her team. After more than 16 years in the industry, she has extensive experience working at more traditional and digital agencies, both here in the US and in Australia.  

New York based, Annie’s creative career launched following her being named national winner of AWARD School, the globally recognized creative advertising course in Australia. She then spent three years at GPY&R, Melbourne, where she picked up a few local and international advertising awards. Building on her success, she transferred to Y&R, New York where she spent the next two years. Moving next to mcgarrybowen, she worked on Maserati and Jeep among others. Then in 2016 she moved to R/GA, creating work for Instagram, Ally Bank, Jim Beam, Verizon and more.

She’ll find any excuse to throw in an idea that helps the environment, social causes or diversity awareness, believing strongly in the power of advertising for good. She loves talking to strangers and even created a side project so she could do it more officially, Very Worst & Very Best Project.

Annie used to talk about how much she loved running the New York City Marathon at this point. But her newest creative side-project that earned her the title of “mum” (Australian for “mom”) has taken the cake.


2016 to present – Associate Creative Director, R/GA, New York
Ventures Accelerator Program Creative Lead | Instagram | Ally Bank | Jim Beam | Amex | Verizon | Samsung | Love Has No Labels | Cosmopolitan Hotels | DuPont | PwC | Bubly | Uber | Goldman Sachs | Disney | Bank of America
Ad Age - Agency A-List (no. 2) 2022
Campaign US - Digital Innovation Agency of The Year | Silver 2022
Webby Awards Agency of The Year 2022
Webby Awards Agency of the Year 2016
Shorty Awards Agency of the Year 2016

2014-2016 | Senior Copywriter, mcgarrybowen, New York
Jeep | Maserati | Staples | Northrop Grumman | Central Park | JC Penney | Crayola

2012-2014 | Senior Copywriter, Y&R, New York
Land Rover | Virgin Atlantic | Campbell’s | Pepperidge Farm | American Girl | Ad Council | Special Olympics

2008-2012 | Copywriter, GPY&R, Melbourne
Australian Defence Force | Cadbury | Schweppes | AGL (natural gas)
Gunn Report - World's Top 50 Agencies 2009
Cannes Lions - Australian Agency of the Year 2012

2007-2008 | Account Manager, Byfield Creative Group, Melbourne

2005-2007 | Account Executive, Huzzard Byfield, Melbourne
RACV Club | Ambulance Victoria | Caterpillar

2008 – AWARD School Creative Advertising Course | National Winner, Australia
2006 – AFA AdSchool | Copywriting, Strategy, Account Management | HD
2004 – Post Graduate Certificate in Philosophy
2004 – University of Melbourne | Bachelor of Arts Degree with Honors

2012 – Art Directors Club | Bronze | Photography Campaign | Schweppes 'Waves'
2012 – AWARD | Finalist | Print Craft Campaign | Schweppes Waves
2012 – Schweppes Waves Campaign featured in PDN’s Photo Annual
2011 – AWARD | Bronze | Press | Navy 'Ping'
2011 – Caxton Awards | Finalist | Press | Navy
2011 – Caxton Awards | Finalist | Best Use of Medium | Navy
2011 – Navy Cook press featured in The Work 
2010 – Cannes Lions | National Diploma | Navy ‘Waves’
2010 – Cannes Lions | National Diploma | Navy ‘Notes’
2010 – Navy Sounds Campaign featured in The Work
2010 – Caxton Awards | Caxton | Best Campaign | Navy ‘Sounds’
2010 – Caxton Awards | Caxton | Art Direction | Navy ‘Waves’
2010 – Caxton Awards | Caxton | Best Illustration | National Australia Day Council ‘Mow’
2010 – MADC | Junior Team of the Year Award 
2010 – MADC | Silver | Best Magazine Advertisement | Navy ‘Ping’
2010 – MADC | Silver | Best Magazine Campaign | Navy ‘Sounds’
2010 – MADC | Silver | Best Press Advertisement | Navy ‘Ping’
2010 – MADC | Bronze | Best Press Campaign | Navy ‘Sounds’
2010 – MADC | Bronze | Best Direct Response | MADC ‘ Silence Anonymous’
2010 – MADC | Bronze | Best 30 Second Radio | Navy ‘Force Field’
2010 – MADC | Finalist | Best 30 Second Radio | Army ‘Take Off’
2010 – MADC | Finalist | Best Flat Mail | MADC ‘Silence Anonymous’
2010 – New York Festivals | Finalist | Navy ‘Ping’
2009 – MADC Awards | Bronze | Small Space Press | Navy ‘Ping’
2009 – ADMA | Finalist | Best Direct Response | Army ‘View to a Better Career’
2008 – AWARD School | National Winner, Australia

Let’s chat
+1 (347) 654-4664